Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research
DOI: 10.38138/JMDR/v6i1.e
Volume: 6, Issue: 1, Pages: 1–2
Invited Article
Sunil Muddaiah1,2,*
1Founding President IDEA
2Chairman, Aavishkar Laboratory
*Corresponding author
Sunil Muddaiah
Received Date:17 June 2020, Accepted Date:19 June 2020, Published Date:07 August 2020
Not available
Work place integrity, professionalism and proactivity are paramount at all levels of Management. Loyalty is primarily built on trust and respect for one another. Resoluteness with passion and creativity is the fundamental element for accelerated growth. All this can be achieved only with guidance and a guide.
The year was 2014 and I found an urgent requirement to create that guidance through a dedicated body of world leaders in Oral and General Health to discuss matters of concern in health education, administration and contemporary research and thus create a multi-centric research platform free of national boundaries.
Thus was founded the IDEA with a few likeminded friends in Asia, Europe and North America.
The International Dental Educationists Association was founded in the year 2015 to face the future challenges of Dental Education and the challenge of intuitive research, free of borders. The founding principles of the International Dental Educationists Association is to encourage Research from a nascent stage in the minds of young oral health graduates. It would also focus as a policy think tank to balance oral health curriculum, student fee structures and dental practices across continents in an era of integration. Artificial intelligence is steadily replacing manpower and is an important area that demands candid research and momentum.
Today IDEA stands tall with a robust student strength and a host of academics, scientists and researchers from all over the globe as members.
The IDEA has hosted an annual International Student Research Conference called ‘Quest’ for the fourth
To discuss and formulate curriculum that is globally contemporary.
To establish rapport with academicians in the field of Dentistry and the Allied Health Science and thus create a global rainbow collaboration of experts.
To provide a forum for experts in the field of health to communicate and exchange information on contemporary research and recent trends in education.
To mentor the students of Oral and Allied Health Sciences and keep them abreast with relevant and advanced knowledge through continuing training
To conduct periodic research conferences and meeting for the members of the association.
To encourage research in Oral and General Health conducted independently or under the aegies of the association.
Establish rapport with National and International apex bodies that make policy an Oral and General Health and well being.
To promote the publication of scientific literature through a journal of the Association; The Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research.
Accept endowments and grants for the betterment of Health Research and wellbeing.
To collect, manage and disperse the funds for all or any of the above objectives of the association.
The IDEA International Research Symposium has hosted students, faculty delegates and speakers from across the globe.
Some of the Institutions which have participated in the past include - University of Hong Kong, HK;
In the year of the pandemic IDEA has created a COVID Task force which has provided professional, clinical and research insights in treating communities in the field of Oral and General health. Through the various arms of IDEA; Dental, Medical and Health Care Clinics have been started which follow high standards of Biosafety. Another wing of IDEA has assisted and donated safety gear to community workers through the Department of Biosafety.
It was decided to have the IDEA Head office in India because the subcontinent is fast becoming the most populous in the world representing more than a fourth of humanity. The strong pillars of democracy, multi-ethnicity and
There has been encouraging academic and research collaboration from all over the world for the official Journal of IDEA- Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research (JMDR).
We hope to support academicians, researchers and students in their journey towards the betterment of oral and general health. Dental schools all over the globe are entrusted with the responsibility to educate, train, create and support future clinicians and researchers. We hope to assist Dental Schools through IDEA and be of assistance in their endeavors for the future of health education.
© 2020 Published by International Dental Educationists’ Association (IDEA). This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Sunil Muddaiah. (2020). The origins of International Dental Educationists’ Association (IDEA). Journal of Multidisciplinary Dental Research. 6(1): 1–2.
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