• P-ISSN 2277-3525 E-ISSN 2582-7901

Journal of Multidisciplinary
Dental Research

Author Guidelines


General Information: This is a peer reviewed, bi-annual, print and online journal which provides open access to its contents. All accepted manuscripts will be published in English.

Manuscript submission guidelines

Manuscript format: The manuscripts should be submitted as a word document.

  • All manuscripts should be prepared in A4, normal margin settings, single column, using Times new Roman font- size 12 with double line spacing throughout.
  • Page numbering is mandatory.
  • Figures and tables should not be inserted in the main manuscript word document.

The documents to be submitted include:

  1. Title page-
    1. Title: not exceeding 100 characters in Title case
    2. Running title(short title)
    3. Author information: Full name, designation, address, contact number and E-mail
    4. Corresponding author details: Name, address, contact numbers and E-mail address.
    5. Abstract page: A structured and a concise representation of the scientific work carried out should be detailed in this page. Any material not explained in the main manuscript text should not be mentioned in the abstract. Original articles should include an abstract under the headings- Background/Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. The abstract word limit for original research is 250 words and for case reports and review is 150 words.
    6. Suitable keywords: A maximum of 6-8 suitable Keywords, in alphabetical order, preferably from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) database of National Library of Medicine, USA.
    7. Number of images and tables, should be mentioned separately.


  1. Blinded manuscript
    1. Main manuscript file- The document should not contain any references to the identity of the authors or institution. Failure of blinding will result in the manuscript being returned to the corresponding author. The types of articles accepted for publication include,
      1. Research article: These include analytical investigations such as cross sectional surveys, case control studies, cohort studies, and controlled clinical trials. Authors must specify the legal permissions obtained for case studies. The manuscript should be prepared in the IMRAD format- Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The manuscript should contain- Objectives, specific statistical procedures used and a summary containing 150 -300 words.
      2. Review articles: These include articles of special interest or updates with reference to any field of dentistry. The manuscript should ideally include- concepts, epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complementary explorations, diagnosis, prognosis and management, with a summary containing 150 -300 words.

Manuscripts for Research and Review should not exceed 12 pages (including references).

  1. Case report: one or more special interest case reports not exceeding 6 pages including references). New / interesting / very rare cases that contribute significantly to existing knowledge will be given priority. A summary of 150 -300 words should ideally be included
    1. References:
      1. JMDR follows the ICJME recommendations for referencing. For further details kindly visit www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html and www.icmje.org
      2. References should be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.
      3. Within the manuscript, references should be numbered as Arabic numerals in superscript.
      4. Only references indexed in PubMed/Medline are accepted
      5. Unpublished observations and personal communications should not be included as references.
    2. Legends of the figures and tables


  1. Supplementary material:
    1. All tables, graphs, images with legends pertaining to the article should be submitted as separate documents and not attached along with the main manuscript file.
      1. A document containing figures and graphs in JPEG/TIFF format(less than 3MB) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi or 1800 x 1600 pixels. Patient de-identification is mandatory. Each figure should be consecutively numbered in the order of appearance in the text citation and aptly titled.
      2. A document containing tables which should be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text citation and aptly titled.
      3. Borrowed, modified and adapted supplementary material should be included only after obtaining permission and a credit line should be provided in the footnote.
      4. Maximum word limit for the legend is 40.


  1. Conflict of Interest Declaration: All authors must disclose any and all, actual or potential, financial or other (political, academic or personal) conflicts of interest that may inappropriately influence the research.


  1. Copyright transfer and declaration document: A document stating that
      1. All work submitted is the original work of the authors.
      2. Disclaimers: Mentioning that the results obtained, views or conclusions of the study are his/her/their own and not an official position of the institution or funder, editor of the JMDR or JMDR.
      3. Source(s) of support: Any kind of facilitation towards the study such as grants, equipment, materials like drugs etc.
      4. Copyright transfer statement: After Publication I/we will transfer(s), assign(s), or otherwise convey(s) all copyright ownership, including any and all rights to the journal. Which shall own the work.

Article Processing Changes (APC)

Our journal doesn’t charge any article submission or article processing fee to authors, it is free to publish and free to read online.

For further information contact- [email protected]



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